Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, September 1, 2005
Steering Committee Meeting
September 1, 2005
Hello/ how was your summer
The Student Group Fair is Tuesday, September 6th from 4-6 in Golding.
Materials: They will have an LSHR sign for us there
To bring: quarter sheets announcing first meeting and a sign-up sheet (Jessica), poster board to put more information on LSHR including names of Committees (Bill)
Advocacy and Education send upcoming events/projects list to Bill to put on sign and to make a flyer
Introductory Meeting for 1Ls
will be Wednesday, 5-6 p.m., Sarah will send room numbers
Each board member will speak briefly to explain their committee, then will give opportunity for 1Ls to speak with committee chairs individually
L.L.M. Introductory Meeting
D’Ag Terrace, Thursday from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Caroline and Stephanie will pick up wine on Broadway, bring sign-up sheet (Caroline)
recommendations from Rich and Ellen to improve from last year:
i. sign-up sheet
ii. make sure to actually speak for 5-10 minutes to introduce the group, don’t share with ILS, don’t bill as a party
iii. Jennifer suggestion: ask them on sign-up sheet to list their background, leave space for it
Advocacy Meeting, Thursday the 15th
i. Two projects with Center for Human Rights and Global Justice –
1. southeast Asia project
2. report on disappearances in war on terror
ii. Two HRW projects
1. large projects involving how Europe deals with suspected terrorists
iii. Contacts out to other orgs
iv. contact advisory board (Caroline)
v. Bill’s suggestion: have as organized and concrete a list of projects as possible at the first meeting because people will be more likely to join and stick with group
Potential collaboration with Amnesty Women’s Human Rights Action Team (Bill will follow up)
Contact ILRF again through Rose Cahn
Other NGO events
IRC open house event, Wednesday the 14th (Matt will go; send e-mail to 1Ls)
Jennifer will continue to look into things going around town
Education Events:
Brian has already set up three events for September and October
i. . Week of Sept 12 (Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday), Peter Takirambudde, head of Africa division of HRW, will come to talk about Darfur. Tentative title: "Darfur Still Burns." He's got powerpoint and everything.
ii. September 19, 12:30, room TBA: event with Scholars at Risk. 3 or 4 scholars will talk about their work. (make sure Brian understands that their focus may not be human rights – Caroline)
iii. October 5. CCR Event with one of the attorneys representing Guantanamo detainees and Chaplain Yee (who will release his book that week)
iv. October 12 (tentative): Dan Stormer talk, one of the principal lawyers in Doe v. Unocal and an NYU grad. Will tell the story of the case, and discuss its implications.
v. Shamizo's film series. She needs to get ahold of the films, and we'll start planning.
Possible events to talk to Brian about
i. Smita film series: it may be possible to borrow HRW films from her
Budget, it sucks
Rich will talk to Oliver about it, Bill will follow up
Bill, Eric, and Caroline will meet Friday to divide budget
Sarah is working on a database of people we’ve worked for; send her contact info
Jessica will update advocacy stuff; Education should be encouraged to add its own events
Caroline will put meeting minutes on blog, list of meetings for next week
first semester focus on career panels for 2Ls, next semester talk to 1Ls
Next steps: get a symposium application; due in October
Possible topics
i. Human Trafficking: send Matt suggestions of professors to talk to on this subject
ii. Ellen: symposium should be about an academic debate to get funded
iii. Could also consider any other ideas related to displaced persons; everyone feel free to throw them out there
Large events around our organizing principle
possibly a direct action?
keep in mind and send Bill/SC ideas for these events
September 1, 2005
Hello/ how was your summer
The Student Group Fair is Tuesday, September 6th from 4-6 in Golding.
Materials: They will have an LSHR sign for us there
To bring: quarter sheets announcing first meeting and a sign-up sheet (Jessica), poster board to put more information on LSHR including names of Committees (Bill)
Advocacy and Education send upcoming events/projects list to Bill to put on sign and to make a flyer
Introductory Meeting for 1Ls
will be Wednesday, 5-6 p.m., Sarah will send room numbers
Each board member will speak briefly to explain their committee, then will give opportunity for 1Ls to speak with committee chairs individually
L.L.M. Introductory Meeting
D’Ag Terrace, Thursday from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Caroline and Stephanie will pick up wine on Broadway, bring sign-up sheet (Caroline)
recommendations from Rich and Ellen to improve from last year:
i. sign-up sheet
ii. make sure to actually speak for 5-10 minutes to introduce the group, don’t share with ILS, don’t bill as a party
iii. Jennifer suggestion: ask them on sign-up sheet to list their background, leave space for it
Advocacy Meeting, Thursday the 15th
i. Two projects with Center for Human Rights and Global Justice –
1. southeast Asia project
2. report on disappearances in war on terror
ii. Two HRW projects
1. large projects involving how Europe deals with suspected terrorists
iii. Contacts out to other orgs
iv. contact advisory board (Caroline)
v. Bill’s suggestion: have as organized and concrete a list of projects as possible at the first meeting because people will be more likely to join and stick with group
Potential collaboration with Amnesty Women’s Human Rights Action Team (Bill will follow up)
Contact ILRF again through Rose Cahn
Other NGO events
IRC open house event, Wednesday the 14th (Matt will go; send e-mail to 1Ls)
Jennifer will continue to look into things going around town
Education Events:
Brian has already set up three events for September and October
i. . Week of Sept 12 (Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday), Peter Takirambudde, head of Africa division of HRW, will come to talk about Darfur. Tentative title: "Darfur Still Burns." He's got powerpoint and everything.
ii. September 19, 12:30, room TBA: event with Scholars at Risk. 3 or 4 scholars will talk about their work. (make sure Brian understands that their focus may not be human rights – Caroline)
iii. October 5. CCR Event with one of the attorneys representing Guantanamo detainees and Chaplain Yee (who will release his book that week)
iv. October 12 (tentative): Dan Stormer talk, one of the principal lawyers in Doe v. Unocal and an NYU grad. Will tell the story of the case, and discuss its implications.
v. Shamizo's film series. She needs to get ahold of the films, and we'll start planning.
Possible events to talk to Brian about
i. Smita film series: it may be possible to borrow HRW films from her
Budget, it sucks
Rich will talk to Oliver about it, Bill will follow up
Bill, Eric, and Caroline will meet Friday to divide budget
Sarah is working on a database of people we’ve worked for; send her contact info
Jessica will update advocacy stuff; Education should be encouraged to add its own events
Caroline will put meeting minutes on blog, list of meetings for next week
first semester focus on career panels for 2Ls, next semester talk to 1Ls
Next steps: get a symposium application; due in October
Possible topics
i. Human Trafficking: send Matt suggestions of professors to talk to on this subject
ii. Ellen: symposium should be about an academic debate to get funded
iii. Could also consider any other ideas related to displaced persons; everyone feel free to throw them out there
Large events around our organizing principle
possibly a direct action?
keep in mind and send Bill/SC ideas for these events
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